
Friday, April 27, 2012

Five Facts Friday

Let's be completely honest here. It's the end of the week. End of the semester. MY BRAIN IS FRIED.

I thought being a student was tough. Being a professional staff member at a college is even tougher--especially when you're in the student activities & recreation business like myself. Sure, I get to go skydiving, skiing, canoeing, FLORIDA (trust me, it's a tough life but someone's gotta do it.. ya know?) but all of the planning, work, PROBLEMS (which there seem to be a lot of when it's your first year)-- it definitely eats away at your soul a bit during the month of April/early May.

BUT looking on the bright side (which seems to be my specialty)--I'm almost done. And I'm a better person, better professional, and much more confident in my abilities because of it. And THAT my friends, is always a positive.

Oh and did I mention how stoked I am for my first FULL year next year? You have no idea. Student Activities & Outdoor Recreation are going to rock it. That's all there is to it. ;)

Now on to this Five Facts Friday business because I know how exciting it is to learn about my life.

1. I worked at a bank for 6 months immediately following graduation (speaking of which, it's almost my 1 year anniversary of graduating). I. HATED. IT. Working there made me realize that I needed to find a job I was passionate about and also come to the realization that money doesn't hold a cake to happiness. Tough lesson but I'm a better person for it. AND I now know way more about banking and budgeting than I ever did before. Touche.

2. I absolutely hate flying... which probably begs the response--but didn't you just go skydiving? Ahh. Lapse in judgement I suppose. No matter how much I  fly or how frequently (which lets be honest, isn't really that much), I cannot wait to get back on the ground once I'm up in the air. I'm totally one of those people who freaks out during takeoff and landing. And turbulence. And pretty much every bump or speed change in between. So sue me. And please for the love of God don't sit beside me. I'll talk your ear off... because that's what I do when I get nervous. Bad habit.

3. I wear size 12 in shoes. It sucks. Trust me.

4. My boyfriend and I "talked" for four months before we ever started dating. And beyond that, we were both interested in each other for much longer. My BF was in a long term relationship for a while and after he got back from summer for school two Septembers ago (2010), he was out of his relationship and the spark between us started heating up. He's a fitness kind of guy and I'm a fitness kind of girl so naturally running was the perfect way to get to know each other a little better (we have sick minds, don't we?). We flirted a LOT during our runs but at that point, I wasn't ready for much more. It was my senior year in college and I was more interested in trying to figure out the rest of my life... okay, and go out with a bang. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't. We both kind of let it go for a while but in February on my birthday weekend, we kind of started up again. From that point, we flirted a LOT but I wasn't ready to let him know how I really felt. Then came May. And my graduation. I knew it was now or never so I finally told him how I really felt--and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. We ended up talking all summer long while he was away at camp (he's a counselor) and when he got back last August, we made it official. He's definitely the cheese to my macaroni and I'm so glad to have him around. (and NOT looking forward to him leaving again this summer... blah!)

5. My favorite place in the entire world is the beach. I love waking up early, catching the sunrise, going for a run, and then lazily lounging by the water alllllllllll day long. I suppose I get that from my parents. They're the biggest  beach bums I know. I'm so ready for this summer!

That's all folks. Have a great weekend--I know I will! I plan on spending as much time outside as possible. :)


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